How To Help Students With ADHD: A Teacher's Guide

Learn effective strategies for helping students with ADHD from The Fidget Game. Discover how to create supportive environments, implement teaching techniques, and more.
How To Help Students With ADHD

Key Takeaways:

  • Interactive and Engaging Lessons: Incorporating group activities, discussions, and educational games keeps students with ADHD actively engaged and promotes collaboration and social skills.
  • Importance of Positive Reinforcement: Using praise, rewards, and regular feedback encourages desired behaviors, boosts confidence, and creates a supportive and motivating classroom environment.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Maintaining open communication with parents, sharing resources, and involving specialists ensures a comprehensive and consistent approach to supporting students with ADHD, and enhancing their academic and social development.


We pride ourselves on being leaders in educational innovation, particularly in providing effective tools for children with ADHD and other learning challenges. The Fidget Games’ methods are grounded in the Science of Reading, ensuring evidence-based practices. These techniques have been proven to enhance literacy skills through engaging and multisensory approaches. We are dedicated to making learning accessible and enjoyable for all students.

This guide covers various important topics. You will learn about understanding ADHD in the classroom and how to create supportive learning environments. We will discuss implementing effective teaching strategies and incorporating multisensory techniques. Additionally, the guide will explore leveraging educational games, supporting social and emotional development, and collaborating with parents and specialists.

Understanding ADHD In The Classroom

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects a significant number of students, impacting their ability to focus, control impulses, and manage their behavior in the classroom. Recognizing the symptoms and understanding these students' challenges is crucial for creating an effective learning environment.

Students with ADHD often exhibit inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness, which can hinder their academic performance and social interactions. Teachers play a vital role in identifying these behaviors early and implementing strategies to support these students' unique needs.

One effective tool to manage these symptoms is The Fidget Game, which helps improve focus and engagement through interactive play.

Creating An ADHD-Friendly Learning Environment

Minimize Distractions

Organize the classroom to reduce noise and visual disruptions. Position seating to keep students with ADHD away from high-traffic areas like windows and doors. Utilize partitions or study carrels to create focused workspaces. This setup helps limit external stimuli and enhances concentration.

Provide Clear Routines

Establish consistent daily routines and use visual aids such as charts and schedules. This helps students with ADHD understand what to expect and reduces anxiety. Visual timetables can also help transition between activities smoothly. Clear, predictable routines create a stable environment conducive to learning.

Flexible Seating Options

Incorporate flexible seating options like fidget tools, wobble cushions, or standing desks. These tools allow students to move without disrupting the class, helping them manage their energy levels. Flexible seating can improve focus and engagement by accommodating different sensory needs. It promotes a more inclusive and adaptable learning environment.

Clear Instructions

Give clear, concise instructions, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Use visual aids and written directions to reinforce verbal instructions. This approach prevents students from feeling overwhelmed and helps them understand expectations clearly. Regularly check for understanding and provide step-by-step guidance as needed.

Positive Reinforcement

Implement a system of positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. Use praise, stickers, or a points system to reward achievements, no matter how small. Regular feedback and recognition of efforts can boost students' confidence and motivation. Positive reinforcement helps build a supportive and encouraging classroom atmosphere.


Positive Reinforcement


Effective Teaching Strategies For Students With ADHD

Multisensory Instruction

Engage multiple senses in the learning process to enhance retention and understanding. For example, combine visual aids, hands-on activities, and auditory instructions to cater to different learning styles. Multisensory instruction can make lessons more engaging and accessible for students with ADHD. This approach also helps in reinforcing concepts through various sensory channels.

Chunking Information

Break down information into smaller, manageable chunks to prevent students from feeling overwhelmed. Present content in short, focused segments, allowing for regular breaks. This method helps maintain attention and makes complex information easier to digest. It also provides opportunities for students to process and retain what they've learned before moving on.

Interactive Lessons

Incorporate interactive elements such as group activities, discussions, and educational games. Interactive lessons can keep students with ADHD engaged and active in learning. These activities also promote collaboration and social skills, making learning more dynamic and inclusive. Games and activities from The Fidget Game can be particularly effective in this context.

Regular Movement Breaks

Schedule regular movement breaks to help students with ADHD manage their energy and improve focus. Short physical activities or simple stretching exercises can be integrated into the daily routine. These breaks help reduce restlessness and improve concentration when students return to their tasks. Movement breaks are essential for maintaining a balanced and productive learning environment.

Incorporating Multisensory Learning Techniques

  • Visual Aids: Utilize visual aids such as charts, diagrams, and flashcards to reinforce learning. Visual representations can help students with ADHD understand and retain information better. For instance, colorful flashcards from The Fidget Game can make learning more engaging. Visual aids also provide a reference that students can use to recall information.
  • Hands-On Activities: Incorporate hands-on activities like building models, conducting experiments, and using manipulatives. These activities engage students' tactile senses and make abstract concepts tangible. Hands-on learning keeps students with ADHD actively involved and helps them grasp complex ideas through direct experience. It also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Auditory Techniques: Implement auditory techniques such as reading aloud, using rhymes, and integrating music. Auditory learning can enhance memory and comprehension for students with ADHD. Listening to instructions, participating in discussions, and using auditory cues can improve focus and retention. Auditory techniques complement other sensory inputs, creating a richer learning experience.
  • Kinesthetic Learning: Incorporate movement into lessons to encourage kinesthetic learning. Activities like acting out scenes, using gestures, and integrating physical education can be beneficial. Kinesthetic learning helps students with ADHD channel their energy positively and improves engagement. It also supports motor skills development and enhances the overall learning experience.

Educational Games From The Fidget Game For ADHD Support

Sneaky Elves

Sneaky Elves is a fun and educational tool designed to teach children letter-sound blending and word recognition. The game includes 45 playing cards: 30 CVC Word Cards and 15 Elf Cards plus 35 mini fidget words and helps master 30 CVC Words using the phonemic decodification methos (“pencil read” method).

Unicorns vs. Dragons!

Unicorns vs. Dragons is an engaging educational tool for young learners. This game helps children master kindergarten skills such as letter recognition, counting, colors, shapes, and matching. With vibrant graphics and easy-to-follow instructions, it makes learning fun and interactive. The game includes double-sided fidget mats, 144 cards, and detailed instructions, ensuring an enjoyable and educational experience for kids of all levels.

The Vocabulary Game

The Vocabulary Game is an interactive and educational tool designed to help children enhance their vocabulary. It supports language development through fun gameplay, making it ideal for classroom or home use. Children can improve their communication skills, reading comprehension, academic success, confidence, and critical thinking abilities by building a wide range of vocabulary words. Suitable for kids of various ages, this game provides an engaging way to expand language skills.


ABC BINGO game offers a multi-sensory approach to learning. By engaging multiple senses, it helps improve understanding, retention, focus, and engagement. This method provides various ways for learners to access information, making it easier for them to remember and recall what they've learned.

Word Pop!

The Fidget game: Word Pop! includes 50 CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words. These simple words are ideal for beginners as they help children easily blend sounds into familiar words. Research strongly supports that systematic phonics is the best method for teaching reading to children of all abilities, including those with dyslexia.

The Fidget Game: Sight Word Edition

The Fidget Game follows the Science of Reading (SoR). It uses the Heart Word Method to teach children decodable words (which can be sounded out) and non-decodable words (heart words that must be memorized). Learning to decode sight words is especially helpful for children with dyslexia and other learning difficulties.


The Fidget Game: Sight Word Edition


Collaborating With Parents And Specialists

Open Communication

Maintain regular and open communication with parents to discuss their child's progress and challenges. Regular updates and meetings can help align strategies used at home and school. This collaboration ensures consistency in support and reinforces the student's learning and behavioral goals. Clear communication builds trust and fosters a team approach to the student's development.

Sharing Resources

Provide parents with resources and tools to support their child's learning at home. These might include educational games, reading materials, and tips for creating a supportive home environment. Sharing these resources ensures that parents can continue to reinforce learning outside of school and empowers them to be active participants in their child's education.

Involving Specialists

Work with specialists such as school psychologists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists to address the specific needs of students with ADHD. Specialists can provide valuable insights and strategies tailored to each student's challenges. Their expertise can enhance the effectiveness of classroom interventions and support. Collaborative efforts with specialists ensure a comprehensive approach to the student's development.

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)

Develop and implement Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students with ADHD. These plans should be tailored to the student's specific needs and include input from parents, teachers, and specialists. IEPs provide a structured framework for setting goals and measuring progress. Regularly review and adjust these plans to ensure they remain effective and relevant.

Final Thoughts

Supporting students with ADHD requires tailored strategies and collaboration. Creating a distraction-free, routine-oriented, and flexible classroom environment enhances their learning experience. Using multisensory teaching methods, breaking down tasks, and incorporating interactive lessons make education more engaging and accessible. 

Collaboration among teachers, parents, and specialists, along with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and tools like those from The Fidget Game, ensures consistent support. This approach fosters academic success and social-emotional development, promoting a positive educational journey for students with ADHD.


Read also:

Frequently Asked Questions About Helping Students With ADHD

What is ADHD and how does it affect students in the classroom?

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. In the classroom, students with ADHD may struggle to focus, follow instructions, and complete tasks, affecting their academic performance and social interactions.

What are some common symptoms of ADHD in students?

Common symptoms include difficulty sustaining attention, frequent daydreaming, excessive fidgeting or restlessness, impulsive behavior, and trouble organizing tasks and activities. These symptoms can vary in severity and impact a student's learning experience.

How can teachers create an ADHD-friendly learning environment?

Teachers can minimize distractions, provide clear routines, incorporate flexible seating options, give clear instructions, and use positive reinforcement. These strategies help create a structured and supportive environment for students with ADHD.

What are effective teaching strategies for students with ADHD?

Effective strategies include using multisensory instruction, breaking down information into manageable chunks, incorporating interactive lessons, and scheduling regular movement breaks. These methods help maintain engagement and improve focus.

How does multisensory learning benefit students with ADHD?

Multisensory learning engages multiple senses, making lessons more engaging and accessible. By combining visual, auditory, and tactile elements, this approach helps reinforce concepts and improve retention for students with ADHD.

Why is positive reinforcement important for students with ADHD?

Positive reinforcement encourages desired behaviors and helps build confidence and motivation. Regular feedback and recognition of efforts create a supportive classroom atmosphere and promote a positive learning experience.

How can teachers collaborate with parents to support students with ADHD?

Teachers can maintain open communication, share resources and tools, and involve parents in developing and implementing strategies. Collaboration ensures consistency in support and reinforces learning both at home and in school.

What role do specialists play in supporting students with ADHD?

Specialists, such as school psychologists and occupational therapists, provide valuable insights and tailored strategies to address specific needs. Their expertise enhances the effectiveness of classroom interventions and supports the student's development.

What are Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and how do they help students with ADHD?

IEPs are customized plans that outline specific goals and strategies for supporting students with ADHD. Developed with input from parents, teachers, and specialists, IEPs provide a structured framework for measuring progress and ensuring effective support.

How can educational games from The Fidget Game support students with ADHD?

Educational games from The Fidget Game engage students in a fun and interactive way, reinforcing learning through multisensory approaches. These games help improve focus, retention, and understanding, making education more enjoyable and accessible for students with ADHD.

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